Who is invited to PLM events?
Anyone and everyone! PLM is made up of a group of 7 women who are dedicated to help individuals connect, educate and grow. One way to fulfill our mission is to host events and bring powerful speakers into our community to share their experience, knowledge, expertise and life lessons. All we ask is that you RSVP by facebook message, emailing professionalladiesofmanistee@gmail.com or by calling Mary Kaye at 231-510-1555. The RSVP allows us to provide the venue with an accurate number of meals to prepare.
What should you expect from a PLM meeting?
PLM events start out with social time as everyone arrives at the event. Then PLM committee members introduce themselves and give time for all attendees to introduce themselves (connect). Next we have a speaker who presents on their passion, life experience or career (educate). Lastly we give a few minutes to a member in the community to talk about their business or other and hand out prizes! You the attendee get to experience this event, meet new people, grow as a person and enjoy a wonderful dinner!
What is the Cost?
There are no membership fees to be part of PLM, all you need to do is come to our events! Most events cost $20 which is paid at the door. The $20 is paid directly to the venue and includes drink, dinner, dessert and tip. PLM committee members do not make any money on the events. Speakers, decorations and any other necessities are paid for or donated by PLM committee members, sponsors and/or local businesses.

No event scheduled at this time
Due to the busy summer months, PLM will not be hosting any events June-July. Please check back in late summer to see details for fall events!
Due to venue and meal prep, please RSVP by clicking or by calling Mary Kaye at 231-510-1555
For other events going on in Manistee: