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Updated 5/12/15


Next Event: May 19, 2015
Manistee Golf & Country Club
Doors open at 5:00pm, presentation starts at 6pm
Kandace Chapple and Kerry Winkler will present their story on GTWoman Magazine and Marketing to Women: What Women Want.
"We've thrown the reference books out the window and compiled some of what we've learned in the last 11 years of publishing in the region - what (real, Northern Michigan!) women like, want and do. It will be a lively discussion with secretes revealed"
Cost $20 all inclusive
Due to venue and meal prep, all attendees MUST RSVP.
Please visit the page for more information!

Whether you are new to the area and looking for an introduction or seeking to become involved in business, nonprofit work or with any one of a number of great things going on in Manistee County, we want to encourage women that this is a great place to live, play and work.

“You can have unbelievable intelligence, you can have connections, you can have opportunities fall out of the sky. But in the end, hard work is the true, enduring characteristic of successful people.” - Marsha Evans

PLM is a committee of non-profit volunteers working to help women connect, educate & grow.
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