PLM Featuring Luella Burke & Laurie Gidley
October 22, 2014 at the Bungalow. Featuring Guest Speakers Lori Gidley & Luella Burke
Bio: Lori Gidley
Lori Gidley received her Bachelors of Science Degree in Criminal Justice at Michigan State University in East Lansing in June of 1980. She started a career as a candy and chocolate shop owner in East Lansing in 1983 but that melted down a couple years later. That is when she began her career with the Michigan Department of Corrections in March of 1986 as a Case manager at the Michigan Reformatory in Ionia, a facility housing level IV prisoners of ages 21 and under. She was promoted to the position of Assistant Litigation Coordinator for the MDOC in March of 1987 and worked in the MDOC central office for the next two years before she took a promotion as administrative assistant to the Deputy Warden at the State Prison of Southern Michigan in Jackson. At the time it was known as the world’s largest walled prison. It surrounded 54 acres inside the walls of the prison and housed 4700 prisoners. A year later at the same location she was promoted to Warden’s Administrative Assistant and remained in that position from 1990-1994 during which time she also was acting Assistant Deputy Warden and Acting Executive Assistant to the Regional Prison Administrator. In 1994 she took a promotion to Central Office in Correctional Facilities Administration of the MDOC as the Administrative Assistant to the Deputy Director. She worked on several projects but there were two notable projects she worked on. They were standardizing the prisoner visiting process and prisoner property. Those were two huge undertakings. In 1997 Lori Gidley became a Deputy Warden at Riverside Correctional Facility in Ionia and transferred to Carson City Correctional Facility in 2001. In 2009 she transferred to Thumb Correctional Facility in Lapeer. It is a facility that houses adult prisoners on one side and the departments youth prisoners ages 14-17 on the other side. In January of 2014 Lori Gidley became the Warden of Oaks Correctional Facility in Manistee where she currently works. It houses 1100 level II and IV general population prisoners as well as 200 segregation prisoners and a 100 bed protection unit.
Bio: Luella Burke
In January 1999, Luella Burke retired from the Michigan DOC after 25 years of state service. The last 11 years with the MDOC she served as Warden of two adult male prisons. Prior to her years as a Warden Luella worked in a number of capacities for the DOC including serving as the liaison for Governor Blanchard to the Federal Courts in the USA vs. Michigan (prison) case.
Prior to Corrections, for five years Luella taught geography at the college level.
While working Luella was active in National Organizations, chairing a number of national conferences for various organizations. She also served on the CJ Advisory Boards of Schoolcraft, Delta, and West Shore Community Colleges.
Since DOC retirement Luella opened a private prison for the GEO Group in Baldwin, MI, taught CJ at West Shore Community College, served for four years as executive director of the Association of Women Executives in Corrections, served a two year term as president of the North American Association of Wardens and Superintendents (remaining a board member of NAAWS) and for six years Luella served at the pleasure of Governor Engler and then Governor Granholm as a member of the Michigan Corrections Officers Training Council.
Today Luella continues serving on the CJ Advisory Board for West Shore Community College and she is a participating member of AWEC. Luella’s highest honor came in 2008 when she was the recipient of the SUSAN HUNTER AWARD a national award honoring women who honor and support women in their corrections’ career. This award is presented annually by the Association of Women Executives in Corrections.
Community work since moving to West Michigan has included Habitat Board Member, Administrative Board Chair at her church, church choir, P.E.O., and a six year term as a member of the West Shore Community College Foundation Board.
She is the proud Mom of Dennis (Gwen) and Michael (Deborah) and “Gramie” to Jack and Brenden. Next June she and her husband will celebrate 50 years of marriage.
Warning… don’t mess with Luella’s Wednesday mornings….that’s CANASTA TIME!